Why Trade with T3 Trading Group?
We currently trade equities, options, and futures. Traders are required to make a first loss capital contribution with a track record. Established traders with a profitable and successful track record from the past two years may be considered for full funding by the firm.
Our Trading Offering
We offer Multiple Asset Classes and both Manual and Automated Trading:
Equities Trading
T3 uses multiple clearing firms including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and Electronic Transaction Corporation (ETC) – Catering to Active, Professional and Proprietary Traders – Competitive Fees and Cost Structures
Contact info@t3trading.com to learn about smart order routing through Clearpool Technologies
Options Trading
Equity options trading is available for both Hedging Strategies and Speculation. We Allow Multiple Legs and Spread Trading (with Compliance and Risk Approval).
T3 employs smart order routing through Dash Technologies.
Futures Trading
T3 offers a variety of services that cater to both experienced traders and beginners through competitive profit splits, transparent cost structures, financial backing, flexible work environment, and education.
Contact futures@t3trading.com to Learn More or Contribute to our Futures Trading Team
Algorithmic Trading
T3 offers API Access to multiple platforms through Instinet and co-location in various data centers (Carteret, Great River etc). We have decades of Black Box and Automated Trading Experience.
Contact algotrading@t3trading.com for Reduced Pricing on Non-Display Market Data